Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Common Names:Cebu, Leyte: ClavoSpanish: Torongil de LimonSubanon: LatayTagalog: Suganda, Oregano
Folkloric uses:· The juice of the leaves for dyspepsia, asthma, chronic coughs, bronchits, colic, flatulence, rheumatism. The dose is one tablespoonful of the fresh juice every hour for adults and one teaspoonful every two hours, four times daily, for children. As an infusion, 50 to 60 grams to a pint of boiling water, and drink the tea, 4 to 5 glasses a day. For chilldren, 1/2 cup 4 times daily.· For otalgia (ear aches), pour the fresh, pure juice into the ear for 10 minutes.· For carbuncles, boils, sprains, felons, painful swellings: Apply the poultice of leaves to the affected area, four times daily.· For sore throats, a decoction of two tablespoonfuls of dried leaves to a pint of boiling water, taken one hour before or after meals.


Banaba is also a famous medicinal plant in ayurvedic medicine mainly to lower blood sugar and reducing weight agent. The Philippine banaba has become popular with respect to its anti-diabetic properties. Banaba tea is famous as a health drink in Japan and in the U.S. Technically, the active principle is considered to be corosolic acid, a triterpenoid compound, which promotes glucose transport or utilization in the body cells. The current thinking is that banaba can lower glucose independent of pancreatic insulin. This makes the active principle of banaba a natural form of insulin from plants.With the reduction of blood glucose is the concomitant reduction in body weight, apparently due to the better control of carbohydrate. The weight reduction was seen even without dietary restrictions.The leaves are generally used to make a concoction or tea, but the bark, flowers and fruits can be used as well. If you want to prepare your own banaba tea, get mature green leaves and chop them. The ratio is 1 part chop banaba leaves to 3 parts water boiled for about 15 minutes (low heat). You can drink this tea 3 or 4 times a day. If you want some twist in the flavor with added value of herbs, you can add “tanglad” or lemon grass with local citrus such as “kalamansi


Roasted seeds for diarrhea and fever.
Pounded leaves externally for skin diseases.
Decoction of boiled leaves used for dysuria


UsesFolkloricø Decoction of leaves and stems used for malaria and fever and as a tonic (40 gms to pint of boiling water).ø Scabies: Crush fresh stem and apply juice over the affected.ø Tropical ulcers and wound healing: Decoction of the stem as wash, or crush stem, soak in oil for 12 hours and apply oil extract on affected areas.ø Pounded stem, mixed with coconut oil, has been used for a variety of rheumatic and arthritic complaints; also for abdominal colic.ø Athlete's foot.ø Fertility regulation.ø Rheumatism and flatulence: mixture of the vine with oil. Cut 100 gms of the vine in small pieces, mix with 3 ounces of coconut oil. Place in bottle and "cook" under the sun for 5-7 days.ø For stomach ulcers: stem is pounded inside a plastic bag, water is added, strained, and drank once daily. Also, stems are dried, thinly sliced, decocted, then drank.ø Used by nursing mothers to assist in weaning infants off breast-feeding. The bitter juice of the stem is applied to the nipple area causing the infant's aversion to breastfeeding and facilitating transfer to breast feeding.


Herbal medicine is the oldest form of medicine still in use on the planet today. Before there were prescription medications, there were herbs. Herbal medicine is all about the use of plants for their therapeutic, aromatic, and flavorful qualities, and for those looking for natural alternatives to modern day medications, herbal medicine may have an answer.The historical evidence for the effectiveness of herbal medicine is almost indisputable. Even today, herbal remedies are still the trusted method of choice for treatment in whole medical systems such as Traditional Chinese Medicine . In fact, about 80 percent of the world’s population still uses herbal medicine in some form or fashion. In the United States, herbal remedies for such issues as stress, anxiety, and depression are quite popular and come in teas, capsules, tinctures, and whole-herb preparations


Quite possibly the earliest form of herbal medicine was marshmallow root, which is a common grass chewed for settling an upset stomach, and has been eaten for (presumably) that reason by our closest evolutionary cousins, chimpanzees and bonobos. Likewise, hyacinth (a diuretic) causes the tissues to give up excess water, is rich in tannins and alkaloids, which have a bitter, or pungent taste.
As tribal human societies grew, a small body of knowledge over what plants were beneficial for what ailments grew, until the role of a tribal herb lore specialist became known; often times, in hunter-gatherer societies, this herbalist carries a lot of weight in the day to day running of the tribe.
As human societies shifted to an agronomical view of the world, the cultivation of plants for medicine was an important role in this; eventually, herbal lore and herbal remedies became codified, first with the Egyptians, then with the Greeks in the Western tradition, and the knowledge base was slowly accumulated upon by the Romans. It's from the Greeks in particular that the foundation of modern medicine – of not just prescribing a treatment, but recording what the treatment was, and what its impact was, got started


Celery (Apium graveolens) is believed to be the same plant as selinon, mentioned in Homer's Odyssey about 850 B.C. Our word "celery" comes from the French celeri, which is derived from the ancient Greek word. The old Roman names, as well as those in many modern languages, are derived from the same root word and sound remarkably similar. This indicates a rather recent wide distribution and use of celery. celery can cure heart ailment, high blood ,prevent intoxications and any other that can serve as pain reliever.procedure; boil celery i a three glass of water and drink it three times a day


Yacon,It is a natural treatment for Diabetes and liver problems. as well as to reduce high bloodpressure.yacon leaves are actually used for hypertension,nautral treatment as well as a powerful antioxidants.yacon root its an excellent natural product actually used for the Diabetes and liver treatment.procedure; boil yacon leaves or yacon roots in a one liter of water and make it a habit to drink it everyday as a herbal tea.


treatment of acne, pimples, & psoriasis*analgesic properties for inflammation of skin*helps reduce high blood pressure*anti-aging properties*heals insect bites, minor burns & sunburns*arthritis, diabetes*helps prevent cancer & tumors*eases constipation*antifungal,antiviral,antiparasitic & antibiotic properties ALOE VERA JUICE DRINK CONCENTRATE*original flavour*lemonade flavour*strawberry flavour